Mr. Sohail Ahmad is the lead counsel of the Legal and Governance Advisory, a law firm that specializes in corporate governance and compliance. He qualified as a mediator and master trainer from CEDR UK and is part of their international faculty. He is also a founder member of IBA DRF (Dispute Resolution Forum) and has undertaken mediation and training with KCDR, PMA and IBA DRF.
Sohail Khoja is a Civil engineer by profession, with a Master degree in Business Administration (MBA). Mr. Khoja is an accredited Mediator and a Master Trainer from CEDR (UK), He is also a founder member of Karachi Centre for Dispute Resolution, a position which entails both mediation and training, and was also a part of their first board of Directors. He is also a part of Pakistan Mediators Association.
Since his accreditation in 2006, Mr. Khoja has conducted various mediations and has also led and been a part of over a hundred International and local trainings in Mediation and conflict resolution. These trainings range from basic mediation courses to refresher courses and Trainer the Trainer programs. He is a regular participant in international moots on mediation like the CBMA in Rio and has also been regularly attending the CDRC Vienna as an expert assessor. He is also on the panel of international Master Trainers for International Conciliation and Arbitration Board.
On the social side he has been the Vice Chairman and director of the Aga Khan Foundation Pakistan. He has also a director of the Aga Khan Rural Support Program Pakistan, Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy and The Rural Support program Network (RSPN)