Mediation is a flexible, non-binding dispute resolution process in which a neutral third party (the mediator) assists two or more disputants to reach a voluntary, negotiated settlement of their differences. The parties have ultimate control of the decision to settle and the terms of resolution. The mediator uses a variety of skills and negotiation techniques to help the parties reach a settlement, but has no power to make a decision. In other words, the parties have full autonomy to make decisions for themselves. Mediation is constitutionally recognized by the Government and Courts of Pakistan under several federal and provincial ADR laws.
Our panel of ADR practitioners includes nationally and internationally accredited mediators from both Karachi and Islamabad. Our Mediation Scheduling Software allows us to respond to your mediation queries within six hours and the disputing parties are provided with a list of accredited mediators to choose from. Upon analyzing the mediator, specially designed mediation rooms are allotted for the mediation process to begin. We extend our services to parties who wish to use MICADR’s bespoke mediation space even if they have appointed an external mediator.